TUG Logo Gdansk University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
by Krzysztof Krzysztofowicz
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published by
Gdańsk Scientific Society

under the auspices of
Polish Materials Society

Advances in Materials Science publishes scientific and review papers on various aspects of materials science. The preferred topics include: environmental degradation, surface engineering and advanced materials. Both fundamental aspects of materials science and engineering, and application problems can be presented in the published papers. The periodical is open to researchers of all countries, both top experts as well as young scientists. All contributions should be written in English. Papers will be reviewed. The cost of publication is estimated at 5 euro (20 PLN) per standard page.

The papers are published in electronic version as .pdf files four times a year. All papers are printed and issued as Volume No 1 - 4 in the end of each year. Authors will obtain a free copy of the issue, which includes theirs papers. The purchase of the printed volume is also possible at a price 40 PLN + VAT. The dead-lines for submission of papers are as follows: 15 January (No 1),15 April (No. 2), 15 June (No. 3) and 15 September (No. 4).

We strongly encourage authors to submit original papers to Advances in Materials Science. High scientific value will be guaranteed by the Editorial Board and International Advisory Panel consisting of famous scientists from all over the world.

Editor - in - Chief: Andrzej Zieliński
Editorial Board
Advanced Materials - J. Łabanowski (Editor)
Environmental Degradation - J. Ćwiek
Surface Engineering - W. Serbiński
Technical Editors
M. Głowacka
K. Krzysztofowicz
B. Raczkowska
G. Wołoszyk

Editorial Office: Advances in Materials Science, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, 11/12 Narutowicza, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland.

tel. (+48 58) 347 26 98, fax (+48 58) 347 18 15, e-mail: kim@jan.mech.pg.gda.pl